Rapid Fire Friday
My friend and publisher Jade Dodge asked why women still change their names when they get married. No longer are the men subservient to the women so it shouldn’t matter. My thought… women take the married name, can do all kinds of weird shit… then get divorced and claim it wasn’t them.
I had a chicken pot pie tonight for dinner… it always amazes me that from the first bite to the last, a chicken pot pie is EXTREMELY HOT! Unless you make it yourself at home, then the center is always still ice cold.
I noticed that in both Bloodrayne and Resident Evil there are nude scenes. I guess they really DO know what their audience wants to see.
Have you ever had to take your car in to a mechanic, then get the call from them telling you that X, Y and Z needs fixing… and you tell them “no”? I usually just nod my head while on the phone and then say “go ahead”… I guess the call is merely the foreplay before the official screwing.
Why do women like horror movies so much? I walked around the con today and it was all guys with tattoos and women in tight tops showing off their breasts… this isn’t a complaint mind you… just an observation.
In the seventies DC comics put out a book called the Haunted Tank… now I know the concept is a little more involved than a Haunted House… but it just seems like you can’t run from many ghosts INSIDE of a tank.
Anyone who is an old fan of the Green Hornet will be interested to know that the hornet buzzing you here in the credits on both the radio program and television show was made with a Theramin… for those who don’t care… never mind.
The trivia moment at dinner tonight that stumped all of us… the name of the dog in Smokey and the Bandit. Now that I’m home and can google, I know the name is ‘FRED’.
All over the country, including on CNN.com, there are stories about the new LESBIAN Batwoman. Now I’m all for comics getting mainstream press. I’m also all for diversity in comics and DC is making a big push… but you don’t see much about the new Asian Atom or Hispanic Blue Beetle… but you make a hot chick that likes hot chicks and it’s news worthy? A shame that anyone who actually WANTS to read the comic will have to wait 2 months to get it and remember that it’s in 52 #11.
A couple in Florida (59 and 60) tried to hire a hit man to kill their daughter-in-law and three grandkids to keep them from testifying against their son in his rape trial. He’s accused of trying to rape his daughter and stepdaughter… you can’t make shit like this up. This would get rejected on Law & Order as ‘too unbelievable’.
The music industry is upset with a Russian website that is allowing music fans to download entire albums for less than a $1.00 each. Maybe that whole ‘teaching them democracy’ and ‘free trade’ wasn’t such a good idea… (snicker)
Real CNN headline… “Wal-Mart rethinks ‘self-cannibalization’.” I don’t care who you are; you’re going to click that link.
Anyone familiar with the band She Wants Revenge should think about this… I love their music but it seriously sounds like Peter Murphy is signing with the B-52s.
Every trend in the entertainment industry seems to have a successor but one… where is the new Russ Meyers?
Could you imagine a germaphobe trying to play Texas Hold’em?
Every watch I have bought over the last twenty years has had a stopwatch function. I honestly can remember a time where I used the function… I just can’t think of anything that knowing how fast it takes for me to do it will be helpful. But I can think of things that if I know how fast I can do them… it could be depressing.
On that note… a slightly shorter Rapid Fire Friday, but I’m exhausted from the convention today so I’ll end this one with a photo from this afternoon. Regular blogging resumes on Monday. Have a good weekend.
My friend and publisher Jade Dodge asked why women still change their names when they get married. No longer are the men subservient to the women so it shouldn’t matter. My thought… women take the married name, can do all kinds of weird shit… then get divorced and claim it wasn’t them.
I had a chicken pot pie tonight for dinner… it always amazes me that from the first bite to the last, a chicken pot pie is EXTREMELY HOT! Unless you make it yourself at home, then the center is always still ice cold.
I noticed that in both Bloodrayne and Resident Evil there are nude scenes. I guess they really DO know what their audience wants to see.
Have you ever had to take your car in to a mechanic, then get the call from them telling you that X, Y and Z needs fixing… and you tell them “no”? I usually just nod my head while on the phone and then say “go ahead”… I guess the call is merely the foreplay before the official screwing.
Why do women like horror movies so much? I walked around the con today and it was all guys with tattoos and women in tight tops showing off their breasts… this isn’t a complaint mind you… just an observation.
In the seventies DC comics put out a book called the Haunted Tank… now I know the concept is a little more involved than a Haunted House… but it just seems like you can’t run from many ghosts INSIDE of a tank.
Anyone who is an old fan of the Green Hornet will be interested to know that the hornet buzzing you here in the credits on both the radio program and television show was made with a Theramin… for those who don’t care… never mind.
The trivia moment at dinner tonight that stumped all of us… the name of the dog in Smokey and the Bandit. Now that I’m home and can google, I know the name is ‘FRED’.
All over the country, including on CNN.com, there are stories about the new LESBIAN Batwoman. Now I’m all for comics getting mainstream press. I’m also all for diversity in comics and DC is making a big push… but you don’t see much about the new Asian Atom or Hispanic Blue Beetle… but you make a hot chick that likes hot chicks and it’s news worthy? A shame that anyone who actually WANTS to read the comic will have to wait 2 months to get it and remember that it’s in 52 #11.
A couple in Florida (59 and 60) tried to hire a hit man to kill their daughter-in-law and three grandkids to keep them from testifying against their son in his rape trial. He’s accused of trying to rape his daughter and stepdaughter… you can’t make shit like this up. This would get rejected on Law & Order as ‘too unbelievable’.
The music industry is upset with a Russian website that is allowing music fans to download entire albums for less than a $1.00 each. Maybe that whole ‘teaching them democracy’ and ‘free trade’ wasn’t such a good idea… (snicker)
Real CNN headline… “Wal-Mart rethinks ‘self-cannibalization’.” I don’t care who you are; you’re going to click that link.
Anyone familiar with the band She Wants Revenge should think about this… I love their music but it seriously sounds like Peter Murphy is signing with the B-52s.
Every trend in the entertainment industry seems to have a successor but one… where is the new Russ Meyers?
Could you imagine a germaphobe trying to play Texas Hold’em?
Every watch I have bought over the last twenty years has had a stopwatch function. I honestly can remember a time where I used the function… I just can’t think of anything that knowing how fast it takes for me to do it will be helpful. But I can think of things that if I know how fast I can do them… it could be depressing.
On that note… a slightly shorter Rapid Fire Friday, but I’m exhausted from the convention today so I’ll end this one with a photo from this afternoon. Regular blogging resumes on Monday. Have a good weekend.

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