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Friday, May 05, 2006

Rapid Fire Friday IV

I saw the trailer for Superman… still not sold on the small logo on the chest or the total geek look of Clark Kent… but I’ll be in the audience.

I hear in England they are marketing Mission Impossible 3 based on JJ Abrahms and not Tom Cruise. See, your mom was right; jumping on a couch will just cause trouble.

I’m know this wasn’t there goal, but I found during Monday’s protest that there was no traffic, now waiting in lines and things move relatively smoothly around here.

I got a lesson on how Hollywood works today. There are people whose sole purpose is to find someone who is talented and make someone else aware of that talent. And I’m not talking about agents.

I currently have two-dozen remote controls in my house and I’m fairly sure that a few of them go to things that we have thrown out… but I don’t know which.

I tried to get lunch in downtown LA today. There was a sign that said “Lunch: 11:30 to 2:30”. We stopped, went in to one restaurant and were told that they didn’t server till twelve, but the sign was for the restaurant next door. We went over there and found out that they didn’t server till twelve… they thought the sign was for the first restaurant.

Why do most super-heroes and villains with the color black in their name usually end up being Afro-American… yet none of that applies to the green, red, blue and yellow characters?

I watched The Pyjama Girl Case on DVD and then the documentary in the extras. Amazing that the movie had little to nothing to do with the actual case other than the names and the woman being displayed nude.

I find it funny that in any Superman movie, comic or television series as soon as you mention the name Zod, things get all tense.

With all the cute photos of animals around the world, you have to wonder just how many non-cute photos have to be taken to get one good one.

Has anyone else noticed the similarities between the Roman Empire and the current US government: Regan being Augustus, Clinton being Caligula and Bush being Claudius.

Why don’t men wear pocket watches anymore? We still have pockets and we still need to tell time.

Remember when a 28k modem was replaced with a 56k modem and we all thought it was lightning fast?

Letterman’s ‘Will it Float?’ game is one of the most inane things on TV… and always makes me laugh.

And while talking about Letterman, is it me or is Paul Schaeffer starting to look more and more like Dr. Sivana from the old Shazam comics?

I was in Walmart and almost bought a set of ‘Thing Hands’ and realized I still don’t use my ‘Hulk Hands’ nearly as much as I thought I would.

In a nuclear holocaust and the world ends up filled with Zombies, I would have to believe a good katana would be better than a pistol since you can run out of bullets.

I will leave a restaurant if they don’t have BBQ sauce… but I will stay if they have the sauce even if the have a ‘D’ grade from the board of health.

With gas at $3.50 a gallon, I’m kind of glad we didn’t get our jet packs and flying cars after all.

And the raise of gas price will have one positive effect; people will now drink that cheap beer in the back of the fridge before going out to get more. Some of that stuff has to be older than most of the people reading this post.


Anonymous said...

Kinski says...

I have a pocket watch. It was my wedding gift from my wife. I wore it for years until I broke the glass dropping it at work. I have not got it fixed. I would use it.

On the other hand, I also wear a snap brim when I go out ... so I don't think I'm the best judge of that...

8:58 AM  

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