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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Two weeks ago I railed against Sunday nights...

Over on MySpace this week I cursed holiday shopping.

I sat at a coffee shop this afternoon thinking about how frustrated I was with the whole writing thing and how it wasn't moving forward.

I have been a selfish prick.

This evening I clicked on a story about a model. Not one I had the pleasure of working with... just one I was familiar with from all the sites we both were on. The story told how this young and beautiful 21-year-old died yesterday morning along with two friends when her car went off the side of an icy road and crashed into a tree. This girl had her whole life ahead of her and in an instant it was all gone. Whatever her dreams, they would fade away never having been obtained. The families of these three will forever remember the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas as the time the lost their loved one... leaving them only with memories and regrets.

I'm not a religious man, but times like these I envy those with strong religious beliefs. To feel certain that those who have died have moved on to a better place. To know unquestionable that death is not the ending of life, but merely the transition. It's the one thing that I can't just believe in but I hope that its true. I hope that these three souls have made the journey to heaven... because the thought that a life ends so completely like blowing out a candle... that's a thought that can haunt you for a long time.


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